
Tag Archives: Dietitians

Dietitian Meg eats, sleeps, and dreams healthy eating

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Dietitian Meg eats, sleeps, and dreams healthy eating

Meg qualified as a Dietitian in Queensland and moved to Melbourne to pursue her passion for food. She spends her spare time visiting markets, trying new cuisines and exploring the incredible food offering. Meg eats, sleeps, and dreams healthy eating and having suffered her own gut health problems for ten years she has a special interest in gut health.


Gut health issues require specialised recipes to suit the gut health requirements but more specifically focusing on how to change a diet whilst maintaining a healthy variety of nutrients. Meg enjoys helping people alter their favourite recipes and meals to suit their own gut health requirements whilst still enjoying their favourite foods.


Working as a Community Dietitian offers variety because each client is different.  They have their own unique goals, challenges and lifestyles, and the solutions are not a one-size fits all approach. Meg and all Empower dietitians take the time to sit and listen to clients about their needs and wants when it comes to nutritional support, offering a unique person-centred approach.


Meg says
Working in the community provides a rare opportunity to see someone’s living conditions whilst taking their diet history. This helps tailor any recommendations to ensure they are suited to their current living environment.


Empower Dietitians improve the independence and quality of life of our clients by providing reliable and trusted food and nutritional support to live their lives the way they want.


Let Us Help You with Your Dietetics Needs

As a registered NDIS provider with experience in the assessment & treatment of a variety of conditions and strong partnerships with leading equipment and home modification providers, we can facilitate all your allied health needs provisioned under the NDIS.

We assist NDIS participants from 15 onwards.

Our convenient, NDIS services range from provide clients with high quality occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, and dietetics, and in the comfort of their own environment including timely and effective communication to support the administration of your clients’ funds.

We want your participants to experience the best allied health services, and stay independent, happy, healthy in their own home.

Our NDIS Dietitians Help With Wellbeing

Our team of experienced NDIS dietitians provide diet advice to improve health and manage specific conditions with weight loss or gain, difficulty in eating food and managing food allergies.

Here’s how our NDIS dietitians help with wellbeing:

  • Improve overall health and mental happiness
  • Education around good food choices
  • Introduce tasty and nutritious meal ideas for fussy eaters
  • Reduce mealtime stress and create positive experiences
  • Improve gut health, manage appetite and weight problems

Our NDIS dietitian offers everything a mainstream dietitian does, plus a whole lot more, such as:

  • Supporting diets for people who experience difficulties with chewing and swallowing
  • Fussy eating or resistant/picky eating
  • Excessive weight gain which impacts physical or social function
  • Stressful mealtimes and other mealtime challenges such as food refusal, not coming to the table, eating with distractions or avoidance to eat socially
  • Bowel issues (e.g. constipation, diarrhoea, coeliac disease, limited fluid/fibre intake)

Download Empower Dietetics Flyer

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Download Empower’s NDIS Flyer

How To Arrange Dietetic Services With Empower

Our friendly support team to get started on (03) 9583 1364