
Tag Archives: dietetics

Speech and Dietetic multidisciplinary approach to Dysphagia

Multidisciplinary Approach Speech Dietetics

Multidisciplinary Approach Speech Dietetics

Speech Pathologists and Dietitians work together to help people with Dysphagia

Dysphagia is the medical term for ‘difficulty in swallowing’. ​ Causes of dysphagia are any condition or event that weakens, damages, or removes the muscles, nerves, and/or other structures used for swallowing.

A person’s quality of life and ability to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration is impacted by Dysphagia. Speech Pathologists and Dietitians work together with a multidisciplinary (MDT) approach to ensure quality outcomes for the people they care for.

Swallowing Assessment

It is the role of a Speech Pathologist to trial different food textures and conduct an oral motor examination to better understand how a person is chewing and swallowing their foods.

The person with Dysphagia may be have long meal times which are fatiguing and therefore unable to consume enough nutritional content or they are aspirating on their food and drink. Aspiration means food is emptying into the lungs rather than into the oesophagus to the stomach.

To assist these clients, we can make recommendations to modifying the texture of their food and drink as well as implementing some the safe swallowing strategies such as

  • small frequent meals
  • reducing distractions during mealtimes
  • building meal time routines
Nutritional Assessment

Following a swallowing assessment from a Speech Pathologist, a Dietitian will assess a person’s nutritional status and work with them to maximise their nutrition.

It is well known that Dysphagia significantly increases the risk of poor nutritional status. This results in malnutrition, dehydration, and the social and psychological impacts on both the person and carer. A Dietitian will work closely with a Speech Pathologist to implement suitable food and fluid consistencies, otherwise known as texture-modified diets. Usually, a Speech Pathologist will recommend a texture modified diet that is safe to be consumed by the person, whilst a Dietitian will provide support to optimise food and fluid intake whilst adhering to the required consistencies.

Person centred care ensures the social and psychological impacts of such diets are reduced, and that individuals can preserve the enjoyment of eating and drinking as much as possible. These considerations are important in preserving quality of life and the independence of an individual.

MDT Approach

If someone is unable to obtain enough nutrition or hydration from a texture-modified diet, a Dietitian may recommend other methods to improve their nutrition, such as oral nutrition supplements. Again, a Dietitian will consult with a Speech Pathologist to ensure the consistency of such beverages are safe for the person.

If oral nutrition supplements are not successful or swallowing ability further deteriorates, both the Dietitian and Speech Pathologist may recommend that a person receive their nutrition and hydration through tube feeding. In contrast, when someone is receiving nutrition via tube feeding and it may be possible for an individual’s swallowing to improve, a Dietitian and Speech Pathologist will work closely to assist in transitioning the person to an oral diet.

The multidisciplinary approach of Speech Pathologists and Dietitians in a community care setting ensures the needs of those with dysphagia are met.

Through collaboration and acknowledging the expertise of the other discipline, both Dietitians and Speech Pathologists provide individualised care and positively influence not only the health, but well being of those living with Dysphagia.



Meet Speech Pathologist Sharon 

Meet Dietetic Team Lead Kara


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Tips on how to save on the high cost of groceries

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A staggering 20% of food that Australians buy goes into the bin unused or expired. By being mindful of shopping habits and making small changes, you can enjoy both the benefits of saving money and eating healthily while also doing your part to reduce food waste.

Here are a few quick tips;

  • Planning your meals for the week can help you make a grocery list that ensures you only buy what you need, reducing the risk of impulse purchases.
  • Look for sales and discounts on items you regularly use and consider buying in bulk for items with a longer shelf life.
  • Opting for seasonal fruits and vegetables can not only save you money but also provide you with fresh and flavourful ingredients for your meals.

Be Prepared

By checking what you already have at home and aligning your meals with what’s on sale, you can not only save money but also make sure you’re eating balanced and nutritious meals. Once you have your plan and shopping list ready, you’ll find that grocery shopping becomes more efficient and cost-effective.

Reviewing supermarket catalogues can provide an insight into items that are on special, providing additional savings. Plus, having a meal plan in place can help you stay organised throughout the week and reduce food waste.

Take the time to plan, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of healthier choices and a happier wallet.

Timing the Shopping Adventure

Timing can play in your favour, as supermarkets often mark down prices later in the day. Items like bakery goods, fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy typically go on sale in the evenings. Opting for canned or frozen foods can also help reduce food waste.

Purchase fruits and vegetables unpackaged, rather than pre-packaged, to help cut down on food waste (you only buy what you need) and be more eco-friendly. Buying in bulk during sales can save money, but ensure you have a storage plan in place to prevent spoilage, as it won’t be a deal if it goes to waste.

When buying meat, consider purchasing larger cuts and dividing them into smaller portions for future meals. This not only saves money but also reduces the risk of food spoilage. Additionally, try to plan your meals ahead of time to make sure you use up all the ingredients you purchase.

Leftovers can be transformed into delicious new dishes to prevent them from being thrown away. By being mindful of your purchasing habits and making smart choices, you can not only save money but also contribute to reducing food waste and being more environmentally conscious.

Prepare Locally and Expand Shelf Lives

By being mindful of your food choices and storage methods, you can enjoy delicious meals without breaking the bank.

  • Explore local farmer’s markets can provide you with fresh, seasonal produce at affordable prices.
  • Get creative in the kitchen by trying out new recipes that incorporate leftovers or make use of ingredients that are on sale.
  • To preserve your fresh produce, keep it away from direct sunlight and separate ripe fruits from less ripe ones to avoid hastening the ripening process.
  • When storing vegetables and fruits in plastic bags or containers, include two sheets of paper towel to absorb excess moisture and prevent spoilage.
  • Some fruits and vegetables naturally have a longer shelf life and are wise choices for your weekly shopping list, such as cabbage, celery, carrots, onions, fresh beetroot, potatoes, and pumpkin.

Meat advice

Meat can be a pricey item in your shopping list. Supporting local butchers for your meat needs is not only a great way to connect with your community but also a sustainable choice that can help reduce waste and cut down on costs.

Buying in smaller quantities can help minimize waste and ensure that you are only purchasing what you need. Understanding the recommended serving sizes for cooking can be beneficial, as we tend to overindulge in meat. Aiming for around 100g of uncooked meat or chicken by weight is ideal.

To stretch meat dishes, consider adding budget-friendly ingredients like tinned lentils and beans, which complement dishes such as tacos, bolognaise, meatloaf, and burger patties.

If you need some help with menu planning or if you have some specific dietary or health requirements our Empower Dietitians offer practical solutions for improving nutrition and wellbeing on any budget.

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Trust your Gut – a guide to help you eat your way to wellness

Nutrition and the immune system

Living life to the full after Ostomy surgery

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How Empower Nurses and Dietitians can help with Ostomy management


Nurses and Ostomy Care

While many people with a stoma or ostomy can independently care for themselves, there are times when some extra help is required. This may be when adjusting to living with an ostomy, when experiencing illness or when managing additional health conditions or disability. Empower nurses provide general ostomy management and support for people who need it. They are fully equipped for ostomy care and carry emergency kits.

As part of delivering high quality nursing services, our Nurses provide:
• Ostomy bag changes
• Assessment of stoma and skin health
• General assessment of health, including monitoring for digestive problems
• Referral to Stomal Therapists if complex care is required.


Dietitians and Ostomy Care

It is possible for people with an ostomy to eat a full and satisfying range of foods. In fact, eating real food after surgery can help the digestive system to begin functioning again. However, learning what foods are easiest to digest, how a person’s body is responding to certain foods and how to maintain good nutrition following surgery can require the input of a Dietitian.

Dietitians can help people:
• Manage low appetite following surgery
• Ensure adequate nutrition and energy levels
• Develop meal plans that are enjoyable and nutritious
• Make dietary adjustments when necessary
• Monitor dietary intake, digestive health and stoma output
• Manage additional health conditions, like diabetes and hypertension
• Choose and use supplementation appropriately.

For in-home, professional care while recovering from surgery, living with a chronic condition or when managing life’s unexpected health challenges, let Empower take care of your health needs.

Click to read more about our Nursing and Dietetic Services

Catheter management

Medication management

Wound care

Nutrition and the Immune System


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Dietitian Meg eats, sleeps, and dreams healthy eating

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Meg dietetian

Dietitian Meg eats, sleeps, and dreams healthy eating

Meg qualified as a Dietitian in Queensland and moved to Melbourne to pursue her passion for food. She spends her spare time visiting markets, trying new cuisines and exploring the incredible food offering. Meg eats, sleeps, and dreams healthy eating and having suffered her own gut health problems for ten years she has a special interest in gut health.


Gut health issues require specialised recipes to suit the gut health requirements but more specifically focusing on how to change a diet whilst maintaining a healthy variety of nutrients. Meg enjoys helping people alter their favourite recipes and meals to suit their own gut health requirements whilst still enjoying their favourite foods.


Working as a Community Dietitian offers variety because each client is different.  They have their own unique goals, challenges and lifestyles, and the solutions are not a one-size fits all approach. Meg and all Empower dietitians take the time to sit and listen to clients about their needs and wants when it comes to nutritional support, offering a unique person-centred approach.


Meg says
Working in the community provides a rare opportunity to see someone’s living conditions whilst taking their diet history. This helps tailor any recommendations to ensure they are suited to their current living environment.


Empower Dietitians improve the independence and quality of life of our clients by providing reliable and trusted food and nutritional support to live their lives the way they want.


Let Us Help You with Your Dietetics Needs

As a registered NDIS provider with experience in the assessment & treatment of a variety of conditions and strong partnerships with leading equipment and home modification providers, we can facilitate all your allied health needs provisioned under the NDIS.

We assist NDIS participants from 15 onwards.

Our convenient, NDIS services range from provide clients with high quality occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, and dietetics, and in the comfort of their own environment including timely and effective communication to support the administration of your clients’ funds.

We want your participants to experience the best allied health services, and stay independent, happy, healthy in their own home.

Our NDIS Dietitians Help With Wellbeing

Our team of experienced NDIS dietitians provide diet advice to improve health and manage specific conditions with weight loss or gain, difficulty in eating food and managing food allergies.

Here’s how our NDIS dietitians help with wellbeing:

  • Improve overall health and mental happiness
  • Education around good food choices
  • Introduce tasty and nutritious meal ideas for fussy eaters
  • Reduce mealtime stress and create positive experiences
  • Improve gut health, manage appetite and weight problems

Our NDIS dietitian offers everything a mainstream dietitian does, plus a whole lot more, such as:

  • Supporting diets for people who experience difficulties with chewing and swallowing
  • Fussy eating or resistant/picky eating
  • Excessive weight gain which impacts physical or social function
  • Stressful mealtimes and other mealtime challenges such as food refusal, not coming to the table, eating with distractions or avoidance to eat socially
  • Bowel issues (e.g. constipation, diarrhoea, coeliac disease, limited fluid/fibre intake)

Download Empower Dietetics Flyer

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Download Empower’s NDIS Flyer

How To Arrange Dietetic Services With Empower

Our friendly support team to get started on (03) 9583 1364

How Dietitians help manage malnutrition

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Too little, or too much of one thing – malnutrition comes in many forms.

Whether it be insufficient nutrient intake, excessive intake of low nutrient foods or diets that are missing specific nutrients, an imbalance in what we eat can lead to poor health outcomes. Our Empower Healthcare dietitians can help manage malnutrition.

Dietitians are trained to identify the causes and risk factors for malnutrition across all age groups. They work with people struggling to meet their nutritional needs to develop interventions that restore the balance of nutrients required for vitality, energy, health and well-being.

Food First

When possible, dietitians develop diet plans that place good quality, nutrient rich foods at the core of treating malnutrition. Simple substitutions and manageable changes take preference. The unique needs of people are also incorporated into menus and meal plans in consultation with clients, their families and caregivers.


Where food alone cannot meet the nutritional needs of clients due to specific deficiencies, physical barriers or illness, dietitians may recommend supplements to boost intake. In cases where a person cannot receive food by mouth, dietitians may create a plan for supplements to be provided by a tube as the only source of nutrition. Improving energy and vitality through careful use of supplementation can restore food tolerance and appetite, as well as improve physical function, independence and quality of life.


Managing and treating malnutrition requires careful monitoring to ensure that strategies are working and nutritional status is improving. Dietitians consult with clients and caregivers in person or via telehealth to follow up on dietary interventions and adjust them to the changing needs of their clients. Diet and food preferences are sensitive and complex- involving personal, financial, cultural and psychological factors. When poor nutrition negatively impacts health, dietitians play a vital role in restoring balance and well-being, taking all factors into consideration while ensuring that food and eating be as safe, enjoyable and beneficial as possible.

Book a Referral today to help your clients manage malnutrition.

Read some of our other blogs

Six signs that your client or resident may need a dietitian

Have you considered Group Therapy?

About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.

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Six signs that your client or resident may need a dietitian

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Malnutrition is often missed in older people.

Appetite and weight tend to decrease slowly as older people who manage their own shopping, food preparation and eating reduce dietary intake without realising it. Family members and carers who see the person regularly may only begin noticing the weight loss after significant physical changes have occurred. While the causes of weight loss are complex, here are a few indicators that someone may need dietary intervention:

  1. Unplanned weight loss in the last 3-6 months
  2.  Falling Body Mass Index (BMI)
  3. Reduced nutritional intake
  4. Low levels of nutrients noted during blood analysis
  5. A history of alcohol misuse
  6. Use of medicines including insulin, chemotherapy, antacids, or diuretics.

Dieticians specialise in improving and optimising nutrition by considering the needs and preferences of the individual. Early, practical intervention can help in maintaining general health, activity levels and independence for older people living in the community and in residential aged care.

About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.


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Six ways a dietitian can help your ageing clients

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Malnutrition is a common cause of loss of vitality and poor health outcomes in older people.

Reduced dietary intake of essential nutrients and calories often occurs as a result of a combination of conditions and factors that can make food preparation and eating difficult and unappealing for older adults. Getting to the bottom of why someone may be developing nutrient and calorie deficits and implementing strategies to improve diet and quality of life can take time and expertise.

A dietitian can assist in the management of at-risk older people living in the community and residential aged care settings by:

1. Screening to ascertain the BMI and nutritional intake of people experiencing unwanted weight loss.- Comprehensive assessments to determine the causes of malnutrition.

2. Implementing “Food First” strategies like eating small but frequent, high energy, high protein snacks and meals.

3. Implementing nutrition support for malnourished people who are unable to maintain body weight by food intake alone.

4. Developing practical and appropriate meal plans and schedules to improve daily nutritional intake.

5. Supporting people in the community to access meal and food services that meet their individual tastes, dietary needs, and abilities.

6. Improve the quality of life of ageing clients by increasing the energy they have available to participate in social and community activities.

Diet and food preferences are personal and often sensitive matters, dieticians work with individuals to create the best personalized and enjoyable solutions for people struggling to maintain adequate nutrient intake.

Empower’s dietetic services is available across all of our service channels, residential aged care, home care and NDIS.  Please click on the relevant link below to learn more.

About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.


How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

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