
Tag Archives: allied health care

The role of Nurses in medication management

Medication Management Blog

250 000 Australians are hospitilised each year due to problems relating to medicine use, and many more are not experiencing the full benefits of the medicines prescribed to them due to mistakes made in how they take their medication – Nurses can assist with medication management.

When used correctly, medicines can prevent serious illness and improve health and wellbeing, but the positive and powerful effects of medications can also carry risks when not used properly.

Home Care Nurses play a key role in assisting people to manage and obtain the maximum benefit from their medicines, safely and conveniently, in their own homes. With their extensive pharmacological and clinical knowledge, nurses can provide the right amount of support to suit each person’s unique circumstances. They do this by providing the following care and services:

Nurses supporting people with medication management conduct thorough assessments to determine the needs of their clients.

Nurses play a vital role in educating people about the medicines they are taking, the dosages and timing of administration.

The aim of good medicine management at home is to maintain independence through the self-administration of medicines where possible. Nurses can help by monitoring the use of medicines and determining if there are any issues with administration.

Home Care nurses can help people and care givers with practical ways of scheduling, planning and administering medication as independently as possible.

Communication and referral
When issues arise related to medication, nurses can reach out to dispensing pharmacists, GP’s and specialists in order to optimise medicine use.

Good medication management means creating as much independence and self-management as possible with the support needed to ensure that clients receive better, safer and more convenient care where they want to be – at home.


About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.

How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

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How Osteopath Callan Reid Helps Clients Achieve Their Health Goals

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Callan Reid Osteopath

Osteopath Callan has helped a diverse range of people across private practice, home care and recently residential aged care. He actively listens to and works collaboratively with consumers to develop targeted treatment plans to overcome pain and injury, supporting them to reach their healthcare goals.

I draw on the guiding principles of Osteopathy – that the body is a whole in which structure and function are interrelated, and under optimal conditions the body possesses inherent self-healing capacity.

Callan believes it is the job of the therapist to provide a path for that person so they might enjoy a state of health. As an Osteopath, Callan can help consumers achieve their health goals through use of:

  • Gentle or deep soft tissue techniques
  • Joint mobilisations
  • Strength and mobility exercise prescription
  • Falls prevention and balance training
  • Habitual and lifestyle changes
  • Pain management and complex care
  • Collaborative care with other allied health professionals.

He graduated with an Advanced Diploma in Remedial Massage (Myotherapy) in 2007 and practiced eight years in a variety of clinical settings. Callan decided to further develop both his diagnostic and manual skills, graduating from Victoria university with a Masters of Health Sciences (Osteopathy) and a Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Osteopathy) in 2017.

In addition to working as an Osteopath, Callan is also a clinical educator helping to train the next generation of Myotherapists. In his free time, Callan is a student of functional/mindful movement who enjoys rock climbing, calisthenics, and handstand training. A nature lover, he enjoys camping, hiking and spending time with his dog, Spectre.

Empower has a team of incredibly talented Osteopaths ready to help your clients get moving, feel better and get back to what they love doing most!

Click Here to learn more about Osteopathy

The Empower Difference

Changing Lives Through Exceptional Care

We pride ourselves in the delivery of innovative, high-quality, allied health solutions that constantly evolve to exceed the needs of your clients and their communities. Our service model integrates five service commitments that empower you to help your clients improve their sense of self-identity, quality of life, and ability to live safely in their environment.

  1. Extensive service offerings
  2. Care provided by highly skilled clinicians
  3. A team approach to delivering continuity of care
  4. User friendly referral process
  5. Superior reports providing clarity on future care needs.

Click on your relevant health care industry sector below to learn more.

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When to Consider Using an Osteopath for Your Client

Mailchimp What is Osteopathy

When to consider using an Osteopath For your Client

“Osteopathy is about listening to the person, listening to the body and using a gentle, holistic approach to activate healing processes in the body and enable recovery.”- Denis Yardin, Empower Home Care and NDIS Osteopath.

An osteopath is an Allied Health professional who specialises in the assessment and treatment of structural and functional integrity of the human body, focussing on musculoskeletal system- the bones, muscles, nerves, blood and lymph circulation and other tissues that support the body and control its movements and function. Osteopaths aim to trigger healing processes in the body by treating movement restrictions, promote balance between different systems of the body and activate physiological processes required to achieve recovery.

Osteopaths working in Home Care assess each client holistically in their own environment and analyse how the body and its systems function when the person move or at full rest. They physically examine using their hands to determine which areas of the body are healthy and which are not so healthy that may be causing pain or disfunction.

Osteopaths believe that the body heals best if the right combination of manual techniques and treatment such as massage and the mobilisation of muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues are used to treat areas of weakness, tenderness, restriction, or strain in the body. Techniques are chosen based on the needs of the individual client and the symptoms they have reported as well as their functional goals.

These include but not limited to:

  • Therapeutic Massage and soft tissue techniques- to release and relax the muscles and other soft tissues
  • Mobilisation of stiff joints – to restore range of movement.
  • Articulation- where joints are moved through their natural range of motion.
  • Clinical exercise programs

These aim to reduce pain, improve movement, encourage blood flow and activate healing processes.

When to book at Osteopathy consultation

There are many reasons to see an osteopath when pain or movement problems effect quality of life, independence or function. Some typical conditions that benefit from osteopathy include:

  • Any joint, muscle and body pain.
  • Restricted movement in any part of the body.
  • Non-traumatic musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Reduced function due to stiffness, aches and pain
  • Headaches.
  • Chronic neck and back pain.
  • Poor posture, body alignment or weakness.

Osteopaths are also very successful with frail clients who may have multiple conditions as they are able to utilise a variety of gentle or indirect techniques.

Empower has a team of incredibly talented Osteopaths ready to help your clients get moving, feel better and get back to what they love doing most!  Denis explains why he loves working in community allied health care.

“Working in Home Care gives me the opportunity to understand what my clients’ need to live the best, most active lives possible and help them achieve their goals by facilitating recovery to optimal health.”


Click Here to learn more about Osteopathy


The Empower Difference

Changing Lives Through Exceptional Care

We pride ourselves in the delivery of innovative, high-quality, allied health solutions that constantly evolve to exceed the needs of your clients and their communities. Our service model integrates five service commitments that empower you to help your clients improve their sense of self-identity, quality of life, and ability to live safely in their environment.

  1. Extensive service offerings
  2. Care provided by highly skilled clinicians
  3. A team approach to delivering continuity of care
  4. User friendly referral process
  5. Superior reports providing clarity on future care needs.

Click on your relevant health care industry sector below to learn more.

How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

Simply click on the image below for our referral form.

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The 5 types of clients who would benefit from a home nursing assessment and why

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Home health care nursing services can be vital for the wellbeing of clients living at home and wanting to continue to do so. A home nursing assessment is a convenient and easy way to establish the support and medical needs for people who find attending out-patient services difficult, while providing the clinician with valuable information regarding the holistic care needs of clients seen within their unique home environments.


Clients who benefit from home nursing assessments include:

  • New clients on home care packages,
  • People with deteriorating health,
  • Individuals managing chronic health conditions,
  • Clients with complex care needs,
  • Anyone who has recently returned home after a hospital admission and is struggling.


Why is a nursing assessment important?

  • To assess all aspects of physical and social wellbeing.
  • To identify areas in which individuals require additional support.
  • Establishing whether clients are safe and able to cope at home.
  • To assist in planning and implementing of appropriate care.
  • Nursing assessments allow clients to participate in their own care by engaging them in the assessment process.


Booking a home care nursing assessment can be an important step in giving people living at home the freedom to live the lives they choose to live.

About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.

How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

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Why the Otago Exercise Programme may be right for your client

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Physiotherapists working in community settings can improve the independence, safety and quality of life of older people living at home by implementing evidence-based exercise programmes as part of comprehensive home care.


Why the Otago Exercise Programme?

  • Proven 35% reduction in falls and injuries resulting from falls.
  • It is equally effective in men and women.
  • The programme improves participants’ strength and balance.
  • Maintains confidence in carrying out everyday activities without falling.
  • The programme is cost effective and easy to implement at home.


Who benefits from the programme?

Older adults who:

  • Have a history of a fall.
  • Rely on walking for independence.
  • Fear falling and lack the confidence to enjoy activities inside and outside the home.
  • Have experienced a decrease in function following illness or injury.
  • Notice reduced strength and balance when performing activities of daily living.


By using this programme, physiotherapists can adapt exercises to meet the unique goals of individuals with complex medical needs at most stages of reablement and walking mobility while using a proven and effective approach to exercise therapy.


“I love using the Otago Exercise Programme with my clients. It’s effective and easy to adapt to the diverse environments I work in. My clients experience increased confidence that comes from improved balance and strength and allows them to participate in their community and remain independent for as long as possible.”

Briony Watt, Physiotherapist



About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.

How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

Simply click on the image below for our referral form.

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Promoting Independence at Home Through Retraining Activities of Daily Living

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For people recovering from injury and surgery, or managing a chronic illness or disability at home, it is often the little things that can be the most frustrating – from hair washing to buttoning a shirt. Research has shown that Activities of Daily Living (ADL) retraining is important for improving an individuals’ sense of self identity, quality of life, and ability to live safely in their own home. Occupational therapists focus on enabling clients to participate in life activities that are important and meaningful to them.

What Are Activities of Daily Living?

ADL’s include all those basic activities we engage in to make sure that we survive and can function in society. These are the little and not so little things we all need to do to take care of ourselves, our families, and our homes.  ADL’s include some of the most important skills for independence–but also some of the most challenging.

Some Activities of Daily Living include:

  • Grooming and hygiene
  • Functional mobility and getting from place to place.

ADLs could also include activities to support the various roles we play in our lives such as:

  • Laundry
  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Using the computer
  • Gardening
  • Driving
  • Leisure activities are also considered activities of daily living as they are essential for quality of life.

How Can Occupational Therapy Help with Retraining in Daily Living Skills?

An at-home rehabilitation program with a skilled occupational therapist can help clients retrain in daily living skills and regain independence, confidence, and quality of life.

Some of the techniques used in occupational therapy for ADL include:

  • Making recommendations for changes to be made in your home and equipment needed, including shower bars, non-skid surfaces on stairs, built up cutlery and helping patients learn to use new equipment.
  • Individualised strength-based training using theraputty and hand therapy.
  • Reteaching basic movements, from getting in and out of bed to getting in and out of the shower or bath.
  • Working with clients on actual daily life activities to regain fine motor skills and confidence. This includes activities like opening and closing a tube of toothpaste, working on buttons and zips, stacking coins, and picking up small objects.
  • Doing arts, crafts, cooking and baking–both as a creative release and a fine motor skill booster.
  • Playing games like cards and chess that involve picking up small pieces as well as using cognitive strategies.

The main goal of retraining Daily Living Skills at home is restoring independence. Ability to complete ADLs is a predictor of safety and independence in the home. Helping clients develop the skills and confidence they need to remain at home is a goal that home care Occupational Therapists aim for every day when working in the community.

Learn More About Our Home Care Occupational Therapy Services


About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.

How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

Simply click on the image below for our referral form.

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InProfile with Tim Cooper, Senior Physiotherapist

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In Profile with Tim Cooper, Senior Physiotherapist

MVP winner Tim Cooper, Senior Physiotherapist shares his background and love for aged care physio. Regarded highly by his colleagues as “the loveliest physiotherapist” his kind, gentle and encouraging personality is admired by many of our clients.  With an affection for basketball, kayaking and the Foo Fighters, what’s not to love about Tim!


Why did you choose Empower?

I was moving on from 10 years in private practice and looking for employment that was flexible with my schedule of looking after kids, while decreasing some of the stress that a private clinic can bring.

I got an instantly warm vibe from both Matthew (COO) and Adam (CEO), who made the Empower team seem like a big family.  I haven’t felt so relaxed in an interview, which I knew was a sign that this was a place I wanted to be.

To top it off, being a tragic Michael Jordan fan growing up, I saw a framed Jordan poster in Matt’s office during my interview and knew I was making the right decision!

What do you love most about your job?

In aged care, you often see clients for longer periods than in a private practice setting. I believe this allows you to form strong bonds with the people you are treating. It’s a fulfilling sensation providing a service to someone who you get to know so well. I have one client who says I remind her of her son and loads me up with chocolate (not any old chocolate either – Ferrero Rocher!) before I leave each session. It doesn’t get much better than that.

What has been your most memorable moment?

Helping someone restore function that has been lost for so long is as satisfying to me as it is to the client. It may not seem like much, however I have a client who hadn’t been able to touch her head (making self care impossible) due to her shoulder pain over a number of years. After a progressive strengthening program she is now able to do all of her self-care independently, whilst also reaching to the top shelf of the fridge!

In what ways has Empower supported your growth personally & professionally?

Empower have been so accommodating in supporting my work-life balance, which can be difficult to find in some workplaces. This has been highlighted recently by allowing me to juggle of seeing clients while managing recent home-schooling duties that accompanied the COVID-19 outbreak.

Empower host regular PD events, help foster team cohesion, in addition to having a supportive management team. All these factors are vital in providing the scaffolding for professional growth. When I started at Empower I had several staff members share hints and tips to make my transition into the workplace easier. Coming from a busy private clinic, this support was most welcome.

In your new role, what will you be looking to achieve in 2020?

In any job, it is important to set personal goals and always work towards something to keep things interesting. I have several goals that I am working towards this year. After working in private practice for so long, my clientele with neurological disorders were rare. As there is a variety of conditions across all aspects of physiotherapy in aged care, my aim is to brush up on a range of specific neuro-physiotherapy treatment techniques.

The joy of physiotherapy comes with helping a client achieve their goals. My main focus for the year is to make as many of their goals a reality. Due to Empower having a multi-disciplinary team at your fingertips, in addition to working closely with case managers, I am looking forward to utilising these services to really make as much of a positive impact for my clients.

What piece of advice would you give your new graduate self?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions of more experienced physios. Clinical experience is where most of your learning will come from, which as a new graduate is obviously in short supply. Building rapport with your team leader to discuss clients and conditions is the most effective way to put all the pieces together.

Out of the workplace, what are your interests and hobbies?

Other than spending quality time with my wife and 2 kids, my other passions involve a lot of sports. I still play basketball, enjoy the football (mad Eagles supporter) and enjoy taking my kayak out in the bay over the summer. I have a fiddle around with my guitar, which normally involves a feeble attempt to play along with the Foo Fighters. I also love podcasts and go through countless episodes from my favourite hosts when travelling between appointments.

Written by Tim Cooper

Tim joined the Empower family in Oct, 2019.