Providing Feedback to Empower

Empower values your feedback

All feedback related to you or the people you care for is valued and carefully considered. Each piece of feedback plays a role in enhancing Our Value in aiming for excellence to deliver exceptional care that positively impacts people’s lives.

Our feedback management process is dedicated to providing valuable services that cater to the community’s needs and our commitment to always act ethically in every situation.

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How We Handle Your Feedback

We are listening and will investigate your experience.
If you provide contact details, you will be contacted within two working days to tell you how we will address your feedback or complaint.
If you make a complaint, we will investigate the complaint, decide the action to be taken and notify you of the outcome.
If you are not happy with our response you can escalate your complaint to an external agency (links can be found below)

External Agencies

If you are not happy with our response you can escalate your complaint to one of the following government organisations:

  • Office of the Public Advocate (OPA): The OPA promotes the rights, interests and dignity of people with disability (specifically intellectual impairment, mental illness, brain injury, physical disability or dementia) living in Victoria. You can visit their website or phone 1300 309 337.
  • Victorian Ombudsman: The Ombudsman investigates complaints about the administrative actions and decisions taken by government departments and agencies and about the conduct or behaviour of their staff. You can visit their website or phone (03) 9613 6222
  • Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC): The HCC resolves complaints about healthcare and the handling of health information in Victoria. You can visit their website or phone 1300 582 113
  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. It will oversee the quality of services provide by Victorian organisations from 1 July 2019. You can visit their website or phone 1800 035 544.
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