
Category Archives: Exercise

Promoting Independence at Home Through Retraining Activities of Daily Living

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For people recovering from injury and surgery, or managing a chronic illness or disability at home, it is often the little things that can be the most frustrating – from hair washing to buttoning a shirt. Research has shown that Activities of Daily Living (ADL) retraining is important for improving an individuals’ sense of self identity, quality of life, and ability to live safely in their own home. Occupational therapists focus on enabling clients to participate in life activities that are important and meaningful to them.

What Are Activities of Daily Living?

ADL’s include all those basic activities we engage in to make sure that we survive and can function in society. These are the little and not so little things we all need to do to take care of ourselves, our families, and our homes.  ADL’s include some of the most important skills for independence–but also some of the most challenging.

Some Activities of Daily Living include:

  • Grooming and hygiene
  • Functional mobility and getting from place to place.

ADLs could also include activities to support the various roles we play in our lives such as:

  • Laundry
  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Using the computer
  • Gardening
  • Driving
  • Leisure activities are also considered activities of daily living as they are essential for quality of life.

How Can Occupational Therapy Help with Retraining in Daily Living Skills?

An at-home rehabilitation program with a skilled occupational therapist can help clients retrain in daily living skills and regain independence, confidence, and quality of life.

Some of the techniques used in occupational therapy for ADL include:

  • Making recommendations for changes to be made in your home and equipment needed, including shower bars, non-skid surfaces on stairs, built up cutlery and helping patients learn to use new equipment.
  • Individualised strength-based training using theraputty and hand therapy.
  • Reteaching basic movements, from getting in and out of bed to getting in and out of the shower or bath.
  • Working with clients on actual daily life activities to regain fine motor skills and confidence. This includes activities like opening and closing a tube of toothpaste, working on buttons and zips, stacking coins, and picking up small objects.
  • Doing arts, crafts, cooking and baking–both as a creative release and a fine motor skill booster.
  • Playing games like cards and chess that involve picking up small pieces as well as using cognitive strategies.

The main goal of retraining Daily Living Skills at home is restoring independence. Ability to complete ADLs is a predictor of safety and independence in the home. Helping clients develop the skills and confidence they need to remain at home is a goal that home care Occupational Therapists aim for every day when working in the community.

Learn More About Our Home Care Occupational Therapy Services


About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.

How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

Simply click on the image below for our referral form.

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Empower Healthcare collaborates with Mayflower on design of Wellness Centre

Website Wellness centre

Empower Healthcare collaborates with Mayflower on design of Wellbeing Centre

The team at Empower are thrilled to have been able to support, our partners in health, Mayflower with the design of the Wellness Centre in their new building.

As Allied Health Professionals our recommendations for the equipment and general use of the room has been carefully considered to ensure it caters to a range of people including staff, residents, older people in the community and clients with disabilities.

The Wellness Centre will provide a whole range of physical, social, and mental benefits for everyone at Mayflower. We envisage that this space will promote a culture of wellbeing for everyone as it will encourage and invite residents to get together, have a laugh and participate in daily physical activity.

Whether the goal is to improve walking, optimise heart and lung function through cardiovascular exercise or strengthen bones and muscles, there is something in the space for everyone.

The inclusion of parallel bars (which are great for getting people back on their feet after a stroke or surgery) an adjoining treatment room (for private hands on therapy by our Physiotherapists) and a wall of floor to ceiling mirrors (to monitor technique and visible improvements) positions the humble space to resemble a smaller rehabilitation style gym.

It’s a credit to the team at Mayflower for their hard work and determination in providing a space that truly promotes wellbeing. We are honoured to have been involved in this project and couldn’t be happier with the end result.

We’re looking forward to the grand opening of the facility.



About Empower

We Change Lives

Empower Healthcare is a national allied-health service provider and partner with Home Care package providers, NDIS plan managers & Aged Care organisations to deliver life changing allied health services. We offer a full-service platform from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics to osteopathy, massage therapy and most recently, home nursing services and pride ourselves in the delivery of high-quality therapy solutions, value packed services and responsive ethos.

It is a very exciting time with Empower Healthcare building on the success of its Victorian operation and now expanding nationally into NSW & WA. With a growing team of 100+ clinicians, we provide over 1,500 treatments every day and service more than 100 healthcare organisations. Building on this strong foundation, we are well positioned and committed to delivering exceptional care.

Our therapists genuinely care about the people we work with and take the time to build strong relationships that holistically improve social, physical and mental wellbeing to live happier and healthier lives.


10 health and wellness tips for office workers

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In case you haven’t heard sitting is the new smoking. Research has shown that sitting for extended periods of time, like sitting at a desk or in a car, can have serious health implications. Aside from developing musculoskeletal issues like neck, shoulder and back pain sedentary lifestyles increase our risk of developing obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even some types of cancer.

So here are our top 10 tips to getting you moving more in the workplace:

  1. Stand up and change position every half hour
  2. Take the stairs where possible instead of an elevator
  3. Organise a group activity (Different exercise every hour on the hour i.e. 10 squats or star jumps)
  4. Rather than sending an email walk over to a colleague to talk
  5. Try standing or walking meetings
  6. Park you’re car as far as possible or better yet walk to/from work or catch public transport
  7. Try sitting on an exercise ball
  8. Drink plenty of water
  9. Use a stand up workstation
  10. Use phone calls as a trigger to get up and walk around the office or better yet walk around whilst talking on the phone