
Category Archives: Announcements

Help! When to call the Podiatrist for your toenails

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Podiatry toes
It’s easy to forget about our toes and toenails, tucked away in shoes and socks or coated in nail polish that may be hiding an underlying problem. Even if you realise there may be something going on with them, they are hard to reach and take care of.

Caregivers and pedicurists can help with basic nail care, but how do we know when the time has come to call in the professionals?

Here are a few things that can indicate the need for a consultation with a podiatrist:

– If your nails are discolored
– When nails become thickened or thinner than usual
– If the nail begins to lift
– If the area around your nail has become red or swollen
– Pain or bleeding of the nail or nail bed
– If there is a loss of sensation in the feet
– When you develop any sores or ulcers on the toes

How can a Podiatrist help?

A podiatrist will perform a full assessment of your feet to diagnose the problem and any underlying causes.
They can then treat many of the conditions that cause toe and foot pain and dysfunction along with ongoing management for chronic foot and toe problems.

What can you do at home to keep nails healthy?

– Keep your nails trimmed by cutting them straight across, not too short
– Clean and dry your feet thoroughly every day
– Expose your feet to fresh air
– Check your toes and feet for redness, discoloration, or sores
– Wear socks that are moisture wicking
– Ensure that shoes are the right size

Podiatrists know the importance of feet and toes and want to ensure yours keep stepping, dancing, and jumping at all stages of life. Take good care of your feet with Empower Podiatrists – they get you where you need to go.


Read more about Healthy Feet in Falls Prevention

Read more about Diabetic Vascular Foot Assessments


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In Profile with Osteopath Matthew

IN Profile HCST web banner Matthew Osteo

Osteo Matt

Meet Empower Osteopath Matthew

Matthew joined Empower’s Home Care Team in Melbourne this year after working in private practice and residential aged care since graduating in 2017.

Why did you choose this career?

I feel that I was destined to work as an Osteo in Home Care and community settings. It’s just the perfect job for me.

What are your strengths as an Osteo?

I’m good listener and as a result can construct a good overview of a person’s health. I see my client’s holistically and can diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions using manual skills, exercise and functional activities.

What motivates you?

Treating my clients in their homes is so rewarding to assist them in achieving the goals that will make the greatest difference in their daily lives. Seeing them smile when they have managed to do something that they couldn’t before, makes my day.

What is something you would tell your younger self about your work if you could?

Osteopathy is second nature to you. Stick to the path, don’t hesitate and you will be rewarded.

Is there a quote that you use to explain the work you do?

The goal of the Osteopath is to find health.


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The benefits of Hydrotherapy

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What is hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is a type of Physiotherapy exercise that is conducted in water but does not require swimming ability. The warm water helps to reduce pain, improve mobility and provide gentle resistance to strengthen while a physiotherapist is in the water providing personalised instruction and facilitation.

How is hydrotherapy different to other aquatic exercises?

During a hydrotherapy session, a person receives one-on-one attention from a physiotherapist who tailors exercises to meet the individual needs of the client. The goals of treatment are specific and designed to improve function and quality of life outside of the water in a way that is meaningful and has long term benefits.

What are the benefits of hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy uses the water as a supportive tool to reduce stress on muscles and joints during treatment.

Performing exercises in warm water:
• Relaxes muscles, improving range of motion.
• Can significantly reduce chronic pain.
• Supports weight, allowing for movements that may otherwise not be possible.
• Increases muscle strength.
• Improves balance and reduces fall risk.
• Increases cardiovascular fitness and function.
• Changes blood flow which aids in decreasing joint stiffness, inflammation and swelling.
• Can assist in improving movement patterns.

Who can benefit from hydrotherapy?

It is not an exaggeration to say that almost anyone can benefit from this type of exercise. The strongest research evidence supports offering hydrotherapy to people who have the following conditions:
• Arthritis.
• Chronic pain, including back pain.
• Neurological conditions including stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries and MS.
• People recovering from surgery, especially joint and bone surgeries.
• Circulation disorders.
• Soft tissue and muscle injuries.
• Conditions causing balance difficulties and falls.
• Cardiorespiratory disorders.

How to get started:

As with all Physiotherapy treatments, clients should be fully assessed by their Physio on land before entering the pool.
Hydrotherapy is designed to be inclusive and safe for people, even if they have never been in a pool before.

Empower Physiotherapists offer Hydrotherapy services for suitable clients who want to experience the benefits. Contact our knowledgeable Support Team to find out more.

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In Profile with Trish – Nursing Clinical Care Manager

IN Profile web banner Trish


Meet Trish, Empower Healthcare Nursing Clinical Manager

Trish is a Registered Nurse with 10 years’ experience working in Aged Care, Home Care and NDIS. She has also worked in a nurse run bush hospital, an experience that informs much of her approach to patient care.

Can you describe your role with Empower?

As Clinical Manager I am responsible for ensuring all Empower nurses are supported in their clinical work. I make sure our nurses can provide care that surpasses industry standards through education and professional development. I also provide hands on clinical support for clients in their homes.

What makes you well suited to this role?

I love to solve problems- for clients, clinicians, and providers.  The nature of my job means that no two days are the same and I thrive on the challenge of adapting to ensure we meet the needs of all our clients.

What sets your team apart?

We provide catheter care for all 3 types of catheters but so much more than that- we deliver high quality preventative care that bridges the gaps in the healthcare system and helps our clients avoid hospitalisation by meeting their needs at home.

What matters most to you and the Empower nursing team?

We want all our clients to be healthy, happy, and healing.

What motivates you at work?

I enjoy my job and I make sure that the nurses I support enjoy theirs- happy nurses provide the best care.

What would surprise people about what you do?

I don’t think people realise the scope of community nursing practice, we provide complex care for complex conditions, and we do it in a way that best suits the needs of our clients.

What is the best feedback you have received from a client recently?

As I was leaving their home a client said,

“I always feel better after you have visited.” That is my goal with every home visit.

Is there a motto that you apply to your work?

“Never stop learning”


Our Values






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In Profile with our Homecare Support Team

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InProfile HCST

Care from the first call

Our experienced and skilled Support Teams know that person-centered care starts from the very first call. When it comes to healthcare, there is no replacement for personal touch. That is why when you call Empower during business hours, you will always speak to a human about your needs and those of your clients.


Our Support Teams in Victoria, NSW, Queensland and Western Australia approach their important work consistently across the country with care, understanding and efficiency. 

They care about the people they help.

All our Support Teams know that a client’s journey with Empower starts long before a clinician arrives at their door. Professional and effective healthcare is a team effort and begins from the first phone call.

They prioritise communication.

Not only are they skilled at talking to people, even when there are barriers to communication, but they also genuinely enjoy talking to our clients and partners.

They are skilled problem solvers.

With attention to detail and understanding of the systems they manage, Support Team members enjoy a challenge. From matching clients to the most suitable clinicians, to managing complicated schedules, they pride themselves on their ability to help clients access the services they need, as quickly as possible.

They are relationship builders.

By delivering a responsive client service, our Support Teams establish strong and trusting relationships with clients, partners and supports.

If you need help finding a solution for yourself or a client or have questions about our services and just want to chat to someone who is ready to listen, our support teams are waiting for your call.


Our Values






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In Profile with Storm Hanna NSW & QLD



Meet Storm- Empower Support Coordinator NSW & QLD

Storm joined Empower in 2021 to work in the Queensland office supporting the New South Wales and Queensland teams. Since then she has been assisting providers and clinicians with her unique combination of efficiency and care.

What matters most to you in your work?

I am the main point of contact with providers in these busy regions and I take that responsibility very seriously. Providing clients with excellent customer service is my main priority. Empower is here to help and so am I!

What motivates you?

I am motivated by people and relationships. Building and maintaining trust with providers by delivering a personalised and proactive service while managing the challenging logistics of multiple clinicians working over a large geographical area.

Why have you chosen this job?

I have always wanted to work in Healthcare. Coming from a background of event planning, I knew I had the organisational skills needed to offer the best customer care possible.

What personality traits make you well suited to your work?

Staying calm under pressure means I can quickly find solutions to the challenges that clients, providers and clinicians may be facing.

What sets your team apart?

Definitely communication and responsiveness. We always provide clear information on things like the number of hours required for services, costs and timelines.

Being honest and open with providers means we set realistic expectation and can ensure we meet them.

What is something that would surprise people about the work you do?

I have a responsibility for clients and clinicians. In making sure our services are efficient and well coordinated by always meeting the needs of our clients so that they receive the care they deserve.

Do you have a work motto?

“Doing it well and doing it fast”

What has been one highlight of your work with Empower?

I received some wonderful feedback from a provider recently that really made me happy;

“Storm is so responsive, so lovely, accommodating, and a real pleasure to work with. Storm is reliable and a wonderful asset to the Empower Team.”


Our Values



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The evidence is in – exercise matters

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Exercise Mat

Why exercise matters? Considering the evidence

A review of: Exercise comes of age; The Journals of Gerontology

We all have the intuition that exercise is good for us and most of us recognise that we feel better when we are regularly doing physical activity that we enjoy. Why, then, do we not talk about how exercise benefits us most as we age?

As this article discusses, many GPs and gerontology specialists stop short of exercise prescription for older adults, which is as shame, as the evidence is in and it indicates that exercise has a significant role to play as we get older.

The article we reviewed identified 4 key areas that are important when thinking about aging and exercise.
• Regular physical activity contributes to health and well-being, minimising the changes associated with aging and a sedentary lifestyle.
• Participating in regular exercise increases longevity and decreases the risk of many chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, osteoarthritis, depression, and osteoporosis.
• Exercise can be used alongside medical treatments for chronic health conditions and improve health outcomes as well as counteract the negative side effects of some medical treatments.
• Regular participation in physical activity or exercise may assist in the prevention and treatment of disability.

The researchers advise that

exercise recommendations should be made by clinicians who have the skills to do so and should be specific to the needs of individuals with support systems and monitoring for progress.

Physiotherapists, Allied Health Assistants, Osteopaths, Nurses and Occupational Therapists can all have a role in promoting evidence-based exercise therapy for clients at home or in residential facilities. For a healthier tomorrow, help your clients start living an active life today.

To learn more, follow the link below:

Exercise comes of age; The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Volume 57, Issue 5, 1 May 2002   https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/57/5/M262/620575?login=false



In Profile with Kirsten Womack – Support Manager WA

IN Profile Kirsten Womack WA web

Kirsten Womack

Meet Kirsten Womack – WA Support Manager

Kirsten is the newest member of Empower’s WA management team. She brings a wealth of customer service experience to the role of Support Manager in this expanding region.

Kirsten has been great to work with. She keeps me updated with what is happening with new referrals and as a Support Coordinator that is essential to the job.

Jessica Retty – Support Coordinator – St Jude’s Disability Services

Why have you chosen this role?

I have recently returned from 15 years in the United Kingdom where I worked in a similar role for an organisation that supplied assistive technologies to the NHS and local councils. I wanted to find a job where I could use the knowledge, I had gained from that experience to support clients in my hometown of Perth. Empower offers that opportunity along with the ability to be part of building a service that makes a real impact on the communities I care about.

What makes you well suited for this type of work?

When you spend your life on the phone with people, you learn to communicate effectively. I keep an open mind when talking to clients and their supports and see each interaction as an opportunity to build relationships and find solutions.

How you describe your job?

My job is to help people. I see myself as a conduit between people and the quality healthcare they need and deserve.

What’s different about Empower WA?

We have the rare advantage of being part of a larger organisation with established systems that are proven to work in other regions but we are also an agile and flexible team that can adapt to deliver the services that matter in this region, in a way that best serves our clients.

What matters most to you in your work?

I want to deliver exceptional customer service that is open and transparent and meets the needs of our clients.

What would surprise people about your job?

We have a team approach to matching clients with the clinicians best suited to their needs. We take honesty and accountability in this process seriously and communicate openly with clients and their supports about allocation and timelines.

Is there a quote that motivates your approach to your work?

Customer service is an attitude ― not a department

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In Profile with Tammy Pearce Operations Manager NSW & QLD


Tammy In Profile

In Profile with Tammy, Operations Manager: NSW & QLD

Tammy joined Empower in 2017, tasked with establishing the Home Care and Community Healthcare service. At the time the company existed only in metropolitan Melbourne and employed only three Home Care clinicians. Over the next four years Tammy spearheaded a thriving Home Care and NDIS service, established systems and supported the roll out of new service offerings in multiple States.

Empower Healthcare now has branches in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland, employing 130 clinicians Nationally. Through this exciting and challenging time, Tammy has been building multiple services from the ground up.

She now brings this extensive experience and all the supports and systems of an established healthcare provider to QLD and NSW.

Why did you choose this role?

I always wanted to be the person to take Empower to QLD. In 2021, the Victorian service was well established with around 170 partners and I was ready to recreate the successes of our services in a new region.

Having built thriving Home Care services in Victoria and supported the same in WA & NSW, I knew I had the experience and knowledge to create a service that meets the need of clients in different States.

What personality trait makes you well suited to your work?

I’m patient and resilient. I love solving problems in innovative ways and I tend to take challenges and successes in my stride.

What sets Empower QLD apart?

In a word, communication. We prioritise relationship building- within our team and with care providers, case managers and clients. The result is better service provision and outcomes for clients.

What can care providers expect when they work with you?

Firstly, agility in meeting their client’s needs with quick turnaround times for referrals, assessments and treatments. In line with our Corporate values, I also insist on honesty and integrity throughout our services and in every aspect of our work. More than that, however, is that we place relationships and trust at the core of everything we do.

What motivates you in your work?

I have a passion for this company and I’ve seen the difference we make in the lives of the people we work with. The more people we reach, the greater the impact we can have for clients needing our services.

Is there a quote that motivates you?

“It always seems impossible – until it’s done”


Our Values



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Welcoming Osteopath Rebecca to the Empower Team

Rebecca Thompson Photo Web

Osteo Rebecca

Welcoming Rebecca to the Empower Team

We are pleased to welcome Osteopath Rebecca to our team of Allied Health clinicians. Bringing 15 years of experience working with clients across all life stages, Rebecca has a holistic approach to her practice in delivering effective, evidence-based Osteopathic techniques for people managing a variety of health conditions.

With an emphasis on understanding the goals of the people she sees, Rebecca tailors treatment programs to meet their individual needs and aspirations.

Rebecca enjoys the whole person approach of Osteopathy, and the way that gentle improvements to the body’s structure have a beneficial effect on function.
She is passionate about educating clients and providing exercises and lifestyle advice to achieve goals and enhance quality of life. Working with clients, their families and care providers to improve mobility, strength, pain and quality of life- not just for today, but for years to come.

When she is not working she enjoys playing with her kids outside, cooking up a storm in the kitchen or reading a good book.

Download our Osteopathy Flyer


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