Hands-on Therapy
Our Osteopaths assess and treat structural and functional integrity of the human body, focusing on musculoskeletal system- the bones, muscles, nerves, blood and lymph circulation and other tissues that support the body and control its movements and function.
They aim to trigger healing processes in the body by treating movement restrictions, promote balance between different systems of the body and activate physiological processes required to achieve recovery.
Osteopaths assess each client holistically in their own environment and analyse how the body and its systems function when the person move or at full rest. They physically examine using their hands to determine which areas of the body are healthy and which are not so healthy that may be causing pain or disfunction.
We believe that the body heals best if the right combination of manual techniques and treatment such as massage and the mobilisation of muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues are used to treat areas of weakness, tenderness, restriction, or strain in the body. Techniques are chosen based on the needs of the individual client and the symptoms they have reported as well as their functional goals.